
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

¡Mi familia nueva!

Ever since I was accepted to the High School Program in Costa Rica, I've been waiting.  Waiting for something, anything, to happen that would make this experience feel real, like I'll really be living in Costa Rica.  Without knowing where I would be living and with whom, it still felt a little bit like a dream.  Something that was happening in a movie I was watching or a book I was reading, but certainly not something I would be doing.  

But now, finally.... I have my HOST FAMILY!  This is exactly what I've been waiting for!  It all started two days ago when I received an email from a certain "angie marin sanchez." The subject was "Costa Rica," so it had my attention right away.  The email read:  Hola es un agrado compartir contigo, estamos esperando que llegues para asi compartir muchas actividades. Y cual es tu nombre y cuales son tus actividades?  Just those two little sentences, and yet I was so excited!  I translated it to mean:  Hi it's a pleasure to share with you, we are hoping that you arrive to share a lot of activities. And what's your name, and what activities do you do.  My translation might sound slightly awkward, but I was just so excited that I could understand it!

I quickly responded, telling her (with a little help form google translate) my name, some things I like to do, I can't wait to meet her, and I'm so excited for my exchange.  I friended her on facebook and, only a couple hours later, she accepted!  Seeing that she was online, I messaged her right away, and we totally had a conversation in Spanish!  I saw on her profile that she lives in Santiago de Puriscal, San Jose, Costa Rica.  It's in the mountains, about an hour from the capital and an hour from the Pacific Coast.  She has a husband and a baby named Melany.  I'm still waiting for the official email from AFS that will give me all the details of my placement, but that should be very soon.  Expect to hear all about mi familia nueva shortly!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

40 Days to Go...

Hi, my name is Maura Smyles (if you don't already know me), and this summer I'll be spending six weeks in the beautiful Costa Rica with AFS Intercultural Programs!  Don't ask me where in Costa Rica I'll be because unfortunately I have no clue (sigh...). I'm still anxiously awaiting the email that will give me all the details about my placement, including my host family, city, and school.

But on a more positive note, today is officially my first day of summer!  I've been so distracted by AP tests, finals, and everything else that happens at the end of the year that I've hardly had time to freak out about how huge of an opportunity this is.  I'll be living with a Costa Rican family for six weeks, going to the local school and being completely immersed in the Spanish language!

I just pulled up my iCal to count the days, and there are exactly 40! 40 days until I leave Maryland. 40 days until I must hug my mom, my dad, my little sister, my friends, and my family goodbye.  40 days until I leave everything and everyone I know. 40 days until I arrive in Miami (where the exchange students from the US will convene before we fly together to San Jose), anxious to meet everyone who I'll share this experience with.

With that much to look forward to, I have a feeling this is gonna be a very slow 40 days...